Brandon Fl,
The only Adult Day Training center in Brandon Florida.
We are here to help you. Come see us.
804 W Bloomingdale Ave. Brandon, Fl. 33511
Ridgeland Group Home and it's staff are dedicated people striving to provide clients the opportunity for a meaningful life through various supports needed to improve there quality of life. We hope to accomplish this by exposing them to various experiences and, education that would enable them to achieve individual goals. We achieve our mission by delivering quality care and services at all times. I have been a Service Provider for over 10 years, and a Registered Nurse with 30 plus years of experience.
There are a total of 6 homes, of which, 5 are wheelchair accessible. Three Behavior Focus Homes, one is all female. Three standard homes of which, one is dedicated to caring for individuals that require special medical attention or have medically complex/ Residential nursing needs.
We have four homes in the Brandon and the Valrico area. Two homes for adults and two homes for children. 100 % of our staff is trained for Behavior Focus, with licensed, LPNs and CNAs scheduled to be in the homes daily. All our homes are wheelchair accessible. One home is licensed as Medical and Behavior Focus.
Services We Provide 
- Adult Day Training center
- Behavior Assistant
- Private Duty Nursing
- Respite
- Residential Habilitation
Areas Served
- APD - District 23 Suncoast
Waivers Served
- The HCBS/ Home and Community Based Services Waiver
- Florida Supported Living Waiver (Little Waiver)
- We also take private pay
To create positive solutions for people with developmental disabilities by assisting in reaching their goals in life through quality care and training, providing opportunities for increased independence. We are committed to each individual that we work for. We pride ourselves in helping every individual achieve the visions and goals they set forth for themselves.
Contact Information 
Carol Josephs RN,
Office: (813) 643-2093
Cell: (813) 810-6257
Fax: (813) 654-0718
Ridgeland Group Home
821 Bryan Rd
Brandon Fl 33511